Terms and Conditions

Standard terms and conditions for use of the services offered by sexhebe Guest House.

Sexhebe Guest House provides the information and services offered to you subject to the terms and conditions set out herein. 

By accessing Sexhebe Guest House website located on the worldwide web at www.sexhebe.co.bw and such other websites with which it may link for the purpose of providing its services (“website”), and using any of the services and information offered via the website from time to time you shall be deemed to have agreed to all the terms and conditions set out herein.

Sexhebe Guest House may at any time modify these terms and conditions. Accordingly, you agree to review these terms and conditions periodically, and your continued use of our services shall be deemed to be your acceptance of the amended terms and conditions of the website.

Terms and conditions relating to special offers, shall, to the extent that those terms and conditions conflict with the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, take precedence over the conflicting provisions of this Agreement..

1. Warranties

  1. You warrant that every instruction and all information given by you to Sexhebe Guest House shall be accurate, true and correct.
  2. Sexhebe Guest House makes no warranties, representations, statements or guarantees (whether express, implied in law or residual) regarding the website, any services provided via this website or the suitability of any of the services for a particular purpose. As Sexhebe  Guest House  provides certain services to you via the Internet,  Sexhebe  Guest House  makes no representations, nor gives any warranties or guarantees of any nature as to the availability of any communications network or systems of any third party on whom you or  Sexhebe  Guest House  rely to provide any of the services.

2.Sexhebe Guest House  Statement of Privacy

  1. Your privacy is very important to Sexhebe Guest House . To help protect your privacy, we adhere to the following guidelines.  –
    1. Sexhebe Guest House will explicitly ask when they need information that personally identifies you or allows them to contact you (“Personal Information”). Generally this Personal Information is requested when making reservations or when requesting a particular service.
    2. Sexhebe Guest House will use your Personal Information to operate the sites, provide services, to enable us to process, validate and verify reservation and requests for services and for the purposes for which you specifically provided the information; to improve your experience on our website; to improve and develop new features and services; to alert you to new services and special offers and for other purposes.
  2.  Sexhebe Guest House shall be entitled to disclose Personal Information if required to do so to:
    1. comply with applicable law or with legal process served on Sexhebe  Guest House ;
    2. to protect and defend the rights or property of Sexhebe  Guest House , and
    3. for the purposes of distributing same to various third parties who are involved in the provision of the services provided in accordance with these terms and conditions.
  3. You should also be aware that information and data may be automatically collected through the standard operation of the Internet servers and through the use of “cookies.” “Cookies” are small text files a web site can use to recognize repeat users, facilitate the user’s ongoing access to and use of the website and allow a website to track usage behavior and compile aggregate data that will allow content improvements and targeted advertising. Cookies are not programs that come onto your system and damage files. Generally, cookies work by assigning a unique number to you that has no meaning outside the assigning site. If you do not want information collected through the use of cookies, there is a simple procedure in most browsers that allows you to deny or accept the cookie feature; however, you should note that cookies may be necessary to provide you with certain features (e.g., customized delivery of information) available on the Websites.. 

3. Security 

The online bookings feature is viewed over a secured connection. Any information provided by you on this website cannot be viewed by anyone else over the Internet. As this service is provided by another service provider we unfortunately cannot be held accountable for any errors or omissions, losses or damages which you may suffer as a result of the use of their service and we hereby disclaim all liability in this regard.

4. General 

  1. Any claim, dispute or impasse relating to these terms and conditions shall by governed by the laws of the Republic of Botswana without giving effect to any principles of conflict of law. You hereby consent to exclusive jurisdiction of the High Court of Botswana in respect of any disputes arising in connection with the services referred to herein, or these terms and conditions or any matter related to or in connection therewith.
  2. These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior oral and written agreements. No failure or delay on the part of  Sexhebe  Guest House in exercising any right or remedy hereunder or enforcing the terms and conditions of this Agreement will operate as a waiver thereof. Headings are for convenience only and not for use in interpretation of these terms and conditions.
  3. All provisions of these terms and conditions are, notwithstanding the manner in which they have been grouped together or linked grammatically, severable from each other. Any provision of these terms and conditions which is or becomes unenforceable in any jurisdiction, whether due to voiding, invalidity, illegality, unlawfulness or for any reason whatever, shall, in such jurisdiction only and only to the extent that it is so unenforceable, be treated as pro non script and the remaining provisions of these terms and conditions shall remain in full force and effect.
  4. Delay or failure to comply with or breach of any of these terms and conditions if occasioned by or resulting from an act of God or public enemy, fire, explosion, earthquake, perils of the sea, flood, storm or other adverse weather conditions, war declared or undeclared, civil war, revolution, civil commotion or other civil strife, riot, strikes, blockade, embargo, sanctions, epidemics, act of any Government or other authority, compliance with Government orders, demands or regulations, or any circumstances of like or different nature beyond the reasonable control of the party so failing, will not be deemed to be a breach of these terms and conditions nor will it subject either party to any liability to the other.
  5. Should either party be prevented from carrying out its obligations by force majeure lasting continuously for a period of 30 (thirty) days, the parties will consult with each other regarding the future implementation of these terms and conditions. If no mutually acceptable arrangement is arrived at within a period of 30 (thirty) days thereafter,  Sexhebe  Guest House shall be entitled to terminate all of its rights and obligations in terms of or arising from these terms and conditions and/or any service forthwith on written notice..

5. Disclaimer

 Sexhebe Guest House shall not be responsible for and disclaims all liability for any loss, liability, damage (whether direct, indirect or consequential), personal injury or expense of any nature whatsoever which may be suffered by you or any third party as a result of or which may be attributable, directly or indirectly, to your use of or reliance on any information provided on and via the website or any pages of the website, any e-mails sent from the website, services provided via this website, any viruses that may infect your computer or other property on account of your access to and/or use of this website, use of content, data or information made available via the website, any failure, delay or unavailability of the website or any services offered via the site for any reason whatever and the supply, or failure or delay in supplying any of the services offered via the website and you indemnify and hold harmless Sexhebe Guest House  in respect of any loss, liability, damage (whether direct, indirect or consequential) or expense of any nature whatsoever, which may be suffered by you or any third party as a result of or which may be attributable, directly or indirectly, to any of the aforesaid.

6. Reservations Terms & Conditions and Overbooking Policy

  1. Rates are subject to availability and price fluctuations.
  2. Rates are charged per night, on a per room basis for single occupancy. Double occupancy will attract an additional charge per room, per night. This amount is subject to change in accordance with our dynamic pricing structure.
  3. Rates include accommodation only, unless otherwise specified.
  4.  Sexhebe Guest House cannot be held responsible for correspondence sent to you which is lost or delayed in the mail.
  5. Bookings will only be considered as confirmed once payment has been received.
  6. Provisional bookings are held for up to 24 hours.
  7. Standard bookings (A booking of 1 or more room nights):
    1. Confirmation
      1. In order to secure a block booking, a deposit of 100% of the entire booking amount is required, unless otherwise stipulated at the time of booking.
    2. Cancellation
      1. Bookings are non-refundable. Any cancellation or decrease in the number of room nights initially booked will not be refundable, unless otherwise stipulated at the time of booking.
    3. Check-in is at 14H00. Check-out is at 10:00. Early check-in and late check-out, is at an additional cost and subject to availability.
    4. In the event of an overbooking status of the hotel, be it intentional or otherwise, the hotel shall reimburse the booker the full amount of monies already received from the said booker which has been verified by our banking institution to have been cleared in the hotels bank account. Reasonable steps shall be taken to inform the traveler of the overbooked status of the property within 24 hours of the first check-in time for accommodation, and/or commencement of a function or event viz a vie, being 14h00 on the first day of stay for accommodation users, and within 24 hours of the commencement of the function or event start time. This notification would be done to the e-mail address provided by the booker when the reservation was made..

7. Payment

  1. Payment for any reservations or other services for which fees may be charged by Sexhebe Guest House shall, be payable before or upon (check-in) to

    Sexhebe  Guest House , any remaining outstanding amount shall be debited to your account on (check-out) or after departure.

  2. The rates payable by you in respect of the provision by Sexhebe  Guest House of any services and/or goods, including but not limited to the provision of accommodation at the hotel of your choice shall be the current applicable rates of Sexhebe  Guest House . Those rates are available from Sexhebe  Guest House .
  3. The customer/client hereby agrees that this transaction constitutes an electronic transaction and that a binding agreement has been concluded between Sexhebe  Guest House and the customer/client authorizing Sexhebe  Guest House  to deduct or to debit the credit card for payments for services rendered to the customer/client. The hand signature of the customer/client shall not be required for authorization purposes.
  4. Sexhebe Guest House accepts the following methods of payment: Cash (Botswana Pula only), All major credit cards including Visa, Master card and American Express, EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) to the designated bank account.

8. Conditions of Residence

  1. The guest, signing this registration card, warrants that he/she is duly authorized to sign for and bind all persons represented by him or for whom he is responsible (“his party”) to these conditions of residence and, failing such authority, agrees to be personally liable for all amounts arising from the residence of himself and his party at the Hotel.
  2. The guest and each of his party agrees to pay not later than the time of departure (unless prior written arrangements have been made with the Hotel management) the room rate is determined by the Hotel for the period of residence, the costs of food, beverage and any other amounts relating to such residence together with VAT (if applicable) incurred by the guest and his party during his/their stay in the Hotel. Periodic payments must be made if the account exceeds the credit limit designated by the Hotel, and accounts are payable on presentation.
  3. A certificate from the Hotel Manager shall constitute proof of indebtedness of the guest and his/or his party and of the particulars therein for all purposes including any action instituted by the Hotel against the guest and/or any of his party.
  4. The guest agrees that after his/her departure, the Hotel may retain goods left behind by him and/or his party and authorizes the Hotel after giving one month’s notice to the address registered by the guest of its attention to do so, to sell same, privately or publicly, at the Hotel’s discretion at such price as the Hotel may determine and offset proceeds of such sale against possible indebtedness of the guest or to hold such proceeds or part thereof for a period of one year pending any claims by the guest for those proceeds failing which they shall be deemed to have been forfeited to the Hotel.
  5. The guest hereby agrees on behalf of himself and the members of his party that it is a condition of his/their occupation of the Hotel that neither the Hotel, its landlord, employees nor agents shall be responsible for any injury or death of any person or the loss or destruction of or damage to any property upon the premises, whether arising from fire, theft or any cause and by whomsoever caused or arising from the negligence (gross or otherwise) or wrongful act of any person in the employment of the Hotel.
  6. The guest and his/ her party hereby indemnify and agree to hold harmless Sexhebe  Guest House or the owner/operator of the hotel, their directors, officers, employees, agent, contractors or sub-contractors in respect of any responsibility and/or liability as aforesaid.
  7. The guest and his/her party acknowledge that:
    1. The wireless internet connection available at the hotel is unsecured and that they utilize the internet at his/her own risk. And hereby indemnifies and hold Sexhebe  Guest House harmless against any loss or harm of whatsoever nature and howsoever arising, whether direct or indirect, from the dissemination of any data through the use of the hotel’s internet facilities;
    2. The public areas of the hotel and general hotel premises are monitored by closed circuit television. He/she consents to the use of any surveillance material in a court of law should such use thereof become necessary in the sole opinion of  Sexhebe  Guest House;
    3. Sexhebe Guest House reserves the right to determine acceptable levels of noise or behavior of guests and to require guests to leave the Hotel if they are causing a disturbance, annoying other guests or hotel staff or are behaving in an otherwise unacceptable manner in the sole opinion of the Hotel’s management;
    4. He is obliged to vacate his room and check-out by the time communicated to him by the Hotel’s management. Failure to do so will render me liable for an additional night’s charge unless prior and alternative check-out arrangements have been made with the Hotel’s management.
  8. As a condition of occupation of the hotel premises, the owner/operator of the hotel shall not be responsible and/or liable for any accident, or any injury or death of any person, or/and any loss of, damage to any property brought by me upon the hotel premises (including, without Limitations) whether arising from fire, theft, electrical, electronic viruses due to downloads or from any omission of any person in the employee/operator of the hotel. All rooms have been provided with a safe to allow you to lock away all valuables.
  9. Sexhebe Guest House reserved the right to Cancel all reservations for the period required. The Guests shall be informed of the need to cancel their reservations in writing by management at least 24 hours in advance. Once the notice has been served by management, the reservations will be cancelled with full knowledge and that any credit balance from a prepayment shall be reimbursed to him/her.

9. Transport

  1. Indemnity in Respect of Transport:
    1. Should you elect to utilize transport service arranged by Sexhebe  Guest House you acknowledge and agree that neither Sexhebe  Guest House  ,the owners, the staff or management shell be responsible for any loss, liability, damage (whether direct , indirect or consequential, or any personal injury) sustained by you whilst using the transportation service arranged on your behalf.
    2. All transportation service arranged by Sexhebe  Guest House and utilized by you during your stay shall be at your own risk.